Tag Archives: Mindfulness

REVEALED: The HIDDEN TRUE Teachings of Jesus Christ! (ACIM) | David Hoffmeister

FREE Masterclass: Rediscovering the Christ Path: How to Embody Sacred Love in Action

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Today on the show, we have best-selling author and A Course in Miracles (ACIM) instructor David Hoffmeister.

David Hoffmeister began his journey to spiritual Enlightenment in 1986 when he encountered A Course in Miracles and recognized it as the tool he had been seeking for a radical transformation of his mind and perceptions. In the early years, David studied the Course with passionate intensity, often reading it for eight or more hours a day.

After two years of this study, David began to seek the company of other students of ACIM, attending as many as five groups a week. He was startled to find that a Voice was speaking through him with great authority, so many began referring their questions to him.

Among family members, friends, and teachers, David was always known for questioning everything rather than accepting conventional answers. Thus he was delighted to find in the Course support and encouragement from the voice of Jesus for his careful examination of every idea, belief, concept, and assumption in his mind. Jesus became David’s internal teacher, answering his every question, guiding him to hand over the day-to-day management of all relationships, circumstances, and events in his life, and providing inner discernment.

David and I discuss his journey, work with A Course in Miracles, nonduality, using movies to teach spirituality, and so much more. Enjoy!

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Meditação Ram para remover o medo e ganhar autoconfiança| Gurudev

Inscreva-se neste canal:

Cantar ou ouvir o mantra Ram fortalece a mente e o corpo. Ele desperta nossa autoconfiança, carisma, estabilidade mental e felicidade inerentes. Astrologicamente, esse canto fortalece o planeta Sol, aproximando-o da exaltação. Você consegue enfrentar as dificuldades da vida com graça e pode seguir em frente sem ser tocado. Quando invoca Ram internamente, você fica calmo, concentrado e progride em direção ao Dharma. Sua elevação espiritual, Moksha/Iluminação, é garantida se você absorver a essência do Senhor Rama.

Sobre o Fundador da Arte de Viver:
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar é um líder humanitário e embaixador da paz e dos valores humanos. Ao longo de sua vida Sri Sri tem inspirarado milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo com a sua visão de um mundo livre de estresse e violência. Ele criou programas que ensinam técnicas e ferramentas de meditação, respiração e yoga para nos livrarmos do estresse e vivermos uma vida mais leve e alegre, e também estabeleceu organizações sem fins lucrativos para que as pessoas vejam os valores humanos além das barreiras de raça, nacionalidades e religião.

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