Tag Archives: meditation

REVEALED: The HIDDEN TRUE Teachings of Jesus Christ! (ACIM) | David Hoffmeister

FREE Masterclass: Rediscovering the Christ Path: How to Embody Sacred Love in Action

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Today on the show, we have best-selling author and A Course in Miracles (ACIM) instructor David Hoffmeister.

David Hoffmeister began his journey to spiritual Enlightenment in 1986 when he encountered A Course in Miracles and recognized it as the tool he had been seeking for a radical transformation of his mind and perceptions. In the early years, David studied the Course with passionate intensity, often reading it for eight or more hours a day.

After two years of this study, David began to seek the company of other students of ACIM, attending as many as five groups a week. He was startled to find that a Voice was speaking through him with great authority, so many began referring their questions to him.

Among family members, friends, and teachers, David was always known for questioning everything rather than accepting conventional answers. Thus he was delighted to find in the Course support and encouragement from the voice of Jesus for his careful examination of every idea, belief, concept, and assumption in his mind. Jesus became David’s internal teacher, answering his every question, guiding him to hand over the day-to-day management of all relationships, circumstances, and events in his life, and providing inner discernment.

David and I discuss his journey, work with A Course in Miracles, nonduality, using movies to teach spirituality, and so much more. Enjoy!

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Los Científicos NO PUEDEN Explicar Por Qué Este Audio CURA A Las Personas! 528Hz – Ondas Alfa

Bienvenidos a un nuevo directo de música relajante en el canal de Meditation Spirit Pueden dejar el vídeo a poco volumen y empezar a realizar cualquier tarea como estudiar, trabajar, leer.. o simplemente relajarse o dormir profundamente.

Los Científicos NO PUEDEN Explicar Por Qué Este Audio CURA A Las Personas! 528Hz – Ondas Alfa

#músicaparadormir #musica #meditationmusic
Si les gustó el directo y quieren más contenido de música relajante, no olviden darle a me gusta.

Relajación y Meditación.
Meditaciones guiadas.
Relajaciones para dormir.
Calmar y controlar la ansiedad.
Conciliar el sueño y dormir mejor.
Sesiones de yoga, reiki, spa, masajes..
Realizar tareas.

¿Que puedes encontrar en nuestro canal?

– En nuestro canal podrás encontrar música relajante para: dormir, meditación, yoga, zen, spa, masajes, estudiar y concentrarse…

Para mejorar la relajación y la concentración nuestra música cuenta con ondas cerebrales como: ondas alfa, ondas beta, ondas delta y ondas theta.

También podrás trasladarte a otras culturas, ya que contamos con música chamánica, música india, música china, música tibetana con cuencos tibetanos,….

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♡ 🌞 Para contactar y enviar música: [email protected]

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Little Krishna – Chamatkari Karname -Hindi चमत्कारी कारनामे

Telefilm – III
The threat was not yet over for Vrindavan as Kamsa, blind in rage kept sending his ultimate battalion of demons in the shape of poisonous Aghasura, dreadful Vatsasura, wicked Vyomasura and the cruel Dhenukasura to get rid of Little Krishna, but they all had to face defeat against his the gallant valor. In over powering Brahma’s pride, Little Krishna finally displayed himself as the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, the controller of the entire universe.

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El canto budista se clasifica en tres géneros: Yeombul (invocación), Hwacheong y Beompae. El Yeombul, tipo sutra, se conoce como anchaebi-sori, que quiere decir literalmente “canto de recinto” y el Beompae, bakkachaebi-sori, que significa “canto de exterior”. El sutra está basado en un estilo silábico y esta generalmente acompañado por un gong de madera. Los sutras son entonados en los servicios religiosos diarios, pero no por músicos especializados sino por monjes que viven en el templo en donde el ritual se lleva cabo, de ahí el término canto de recinto o interior. Beompae es melismático y es cantado en ritos especiales solamente por músicos budistas entrenados. Hwacheong es el canto que usa la lengua vernácula coreana con el fin de propagar efectivamente las enseñanzas de Buda.

El canto budista ha tenido una considerable influencia en otros géneros de música. Por ejemplo, la técnica vocal de Gagok se asemeja a beompae en algunos aspectos. Yeongsanhoesang fue originalmente una música vocal budista que se convirtió en una gran suite instrumental, la cual es interpretada en varias versiones diferentes.

Cantos interpretados en la Gira por la Paz Mundial de los lamas procedentes del Tibet durante su visita a España

The Buddhist chant is classified into three genres: Yeombul ( invocation ) , and Beompae Hwacheong . The Yeombul , sutra type , known as anchaebi – sori , which literally means ” singing grounds ” and Beompae , bakkachaebi – sori , meaning ” outer edge ” . The sutra is based on a syllabic style and is usually accompanied by a wooden gong . The sutras are chanted daily in religious services , but not for specialized musicians but by monks living in the temple where the ritual takes place , hence the term enclosure or inside edge . Beompae is melismatic and is sung in special rites only by Buddhist musicians trained . Hwacheong is singing using Korean vernacular in order to effectively spread the teachings of Buddha.

The Buddhist chant has had considerable influence on other genres of music. For example, vocal technique beompae Gagok resembles in some respects. Yeongsanhoesang was originally a Buddhist vocal music became a great instrumental suite , which is interpreted in several different versions .

Songs played in the World Peace Tour of lamas from Tibet during his visit to Spain

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