Tag Archives: Jumping


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In SSBU Super Smash Bros Ultimate, most people jump incorrectly, particularly out of shield, and especially with nair out of shield.

Imagine this on characters like Min Min, Cloud, Yoshi, Link… If you have a busted landing nair, or crazy nair hitbox, this becomes game changing easily.

Ask me about Smash coaching & Life coaching on Discord, add me: DKbill#4265

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TF2: Basic Rocket Jumping Tutorial

Directed by Van Halen.

How to set up the Jump Script:

1. Copy the following text inbetween the dashes:
//Personal portable regen for offline jumping!
sv_cheats 1
mp_tournament 1

wait 5;ent_fire !self addoutput “targetname player_me”
wait 5;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput “classname func_regenerate_temp”
wait 5;ent_fire info_target addoutput “classname info_target_temp”

wait 10;give info_target
wait 10;give func_regenerate

wait 20;ent_fire info_target addoutput “targetname mytarget”
wait 20;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput “StartDisabled 1”
wait 20;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput “mins -100 -100 -100”
wait 20;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput “maxs 100 100 100”
wait 30;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput “solid 2”
wait 30;ent_fire func_regenerate addoutput “spawnflags 1”

wait 30;ent_fire info_target setparent player_me
wait 33;ent_fire func_regenerate setparent mytarget
wait 35;ent_fire func_regenerate enable

wait 40;echo “Regen turned on!”
2. Open up your “cfg” folder. OS (C:) — Program Files (x86) — Steam — SteamApps — common — Team Fortress 2 — tf — cfg
3. Copy one of the .cfg files and open it up with a text editor (such as notepad)
4. Paste the copied text over the text in the file.
5. Rename the file to regen.cfg
6. Launch TF2 and open up your map.
7. Open up console (shown in video by pressing ‘~’)
8. Type “exec regen” into console.

Enjoy your infinite ammo and health! Also try binding a key to noclip around the map. Just type “bind [your key] noclip” into console without quotation marks and you’re set!.

Join the Jump Academy Group to learn from teachers and other jumpers!


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Super Mario 3D World – Athletic
Malman – Sun Rocket (Outro)

The advanced tutorial will be out in the near future. Have fun rocket jumping!

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