Tag Archives: Jump

#CaminhadaEMCasa – Primeiro passo para Perder PESO! – Carol Borba

Gente lindaaaaaa!!! Quem ai tava ansiosa para a nossa segunda feira maravilhosa ein? Quem já estava ligadinha desde quinta feira passada sabe que o nosso desafio da #CaminhadaEMCasa vai começar hoje e o treino ta especial e muito, mas muito gostoso…

Você vem comigo hoje?

Gostou? Me diz o que achou nos comentários! 👇
Inscreva-se no canal ➡️ www.youtube.com/c/CarolBorbaOficial

Conheça meus programas de TREINS POWER EXCLUSIVOS EM CASA!

🟣 POWER HIIT: Conquiste a sua melhor forma com apenas 12 minutos por dia!
🟤 POWER GLÚTEOS: Conquiste um bumbum durinho, empinado e sem celulites em apenas 60 dias!
🟠 POWER DANCE: Transforme sua casa em uma pista de dança e emagreça se divertindo!
🟡 POWER TONUS: Ganhe massa magra e defina seu corpo em 60 dias em casa!
🟢 POWER ABS: Queime gordura abdominal e defina sua barriga em 6 semanas!
🟢 POWER COMBAT: Derreta as gordurinhas do corpo com exercicios funcionais simulando lutas
POWER CARDIO: Treinos cardio de 20 minutos para emagrecer rapidamente.
JUMP HIIT: o jeito mais divertido de perder peso com alunas animadas e cheias de musica em cima de um mini trampolim


Me siga também nas redes sociais! 🧡
Facebook: www.facebook.com/eucarolborba
Instagram: www.instagram.com/carolborba1

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In SSBU Super Smash Bros Ultimate, most people jump incorrectly, particularly out of shield, and especially with nair out of shield.

Imagine this on characters like Min Min, Cloud, Yoshi, Link… If you have a busted landing nair, or crazy nair hitbox, this becomes game changing easily.

Ask me about Smash coaching & Life coaching on Discord, add me: DKbill#4265

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#SuperSmashBrosUltimate #SmashBrosUltimate​ #SmashUltimate



My Book/eBook:

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda:

The Inner Game of Tennis:


Deep Work:

The Obstacle Is the Way:


DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you purchase an item from one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.

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How to Waveshine – Super Smash Bros. Melee

Looking to learn how to play Fox or Falco? Then this video’s just for you! In this tutorial, Kira teaches you how to waveshine! It’s an essential technique to learn for both space animals, so be sure to check it out!

Thanks to the following channels for providing footage!:
VGBootCamp VoDs:


Intro created by:
Ryan Gonzales & Alyssa Sheffler
Business Email: [email protected]

Ocean Lanes 5 – Gunnar Johnsén

Donation Link:
All Donations help us increase production value of future videos and our upcoming stream. Any amount is MUCH appreciated and your name will be featured in the next video!

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Follow Kellen

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VoV Plays Awesomenauts – Leon: Vive La Chameleon!

Welcome back to another episode of Awesomenauts! Awesomenauts is a fantastic 2-D DOTA-style game by Ronimo and I absolutely love it!

In this episode we sneak up on our enemies with Leon, have some trouble getting started, attempt an incredible comeback, and wind up with some turtling problems…

Intro and outro music provided by

Thanks for watching and enjoy!

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