Tag Archives: wildlife

This fox got a BOTTLE stuck on her head!

Over the years, we’ve rescued foxes from some pretty odd places, but they always seem to find something new to surprise us with!

This young cub was, amazingly, captured by a member of the public after being spotted with a BOTTLE stuck on her head! After cutting the base away to give her a little more breathing room, they rushed her into the centre where Meriem, one of our vets, was waiting to help get the cub free…

Please SHARE her story!

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10 Amazing Wildlife Photography Tips

Ready for ten quick but super useful wildlife photography tips in less than 10 minutes? Then check out this video! These are ten tips and tricks I use all the time when I’m out photographing wildlife and I hope they’ll help you as well.

Check out my e-book, Secrets To Stunning Wildlife Photography:

And my website:

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A cold morning with the Wild Red Foxes as my photography target. Stay tuned for the images at the end of the video. The video also features Green Woodpecker and Fieldfare. This was my first real success at photographing a Red Fox close up and I was extremely happy with the result. There is nothing like Wildlife photography UK and I just love foxes. Hope you like it.

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Howth Dog Attack FOX

We got a call about a poor Fox who was attacked by a large German Shepard. The fox was last seen in a very large and wild meadow. We were extremely lucky and managed to find him.
YOU can donate to help Irish Wildlife here; [email protected]

Some notes on the rescue –
I’m a volunteer and received the notification while I was out and about on a Sunday. I didn’t have all my gear with me, but I knew the most important thing was to respond as quickly as possible. For a number of other reasons I couldn’t stop back home to grab a long sleeves or trousers.

When we saw the fox I did request the help of the finder to go and get my ‘catch pole’. However, the problem with the catching pole is this; if it scares the fox I will be too far away (the length of the pole) to go to plan B (hands on)… so I elected to take the most effective and most probably rescue – to go hands on.

Another thing about this video is that I’m wearing small gloves (larger gloves later). I elect to use these smaller gloves – I’m happy to trade some protection for increase dexterity. I feel if I was wearing heavy duty welders gloves he would have wriggled free.

Finally, transferring him from the carrier to the crush crate looks rough, but the reality is he’s just a feisty little dude and we had to do it this way.

He’s on his way to Kildare Animal Foundation Wildlife Unit where he will have the very best care available in Ireland.

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SO YOU WANT A PET FOX? – The Ultimate Guide / Animal Watch

Anneka visits a domesticated fox called Zelda who lives with Angie of Fox Angels. Zelda has been bred from ex fur trade foxes purely for the pet trade and is not a wild fox. Anneka finds out everything about keeping one of these beautiful creatures and whether they make good pets.

To subscribe to our channels click here:
(Animal Watch)


(GreenWorldTV News)



Instagram: @GreenWorldTV & @annekasvenskaofficial

GreenWorldTV Website: www.greenworldtv.com

Anneka’s website: www.annekasvenska.com

Presented & Produced by Anneka Svenska
Filmed and Edited by Ellen Hope Cobb

A GreenWorldTV Production

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INCRÍVEL – 13 Animais gigantes registrados por câmeras

veja neste vídeo 13 animais gigantes registrados por câmeras, dentre eles: Urso polar, cobra real, elefante asiático, alce, anta, alligator, jacaré americano, tigre siberiano, rinoceronte branco, capivara, bisão, cachalote, tartaruga galápagos, onça pintada..

Aqui no Canal Natureza Incrível também fazemos vídeos sobre ataques de animais, como: ataque de crocodilo, ataque de leão, ataque de leopardo, ataque de onça pintada, ataque de cobra, ataque de anaconda, ataque de tubarão, ataque de guepardo, ataque de urso, ataque de hiena e muito mais.

Também fazemos vários vídeos sobre cobra: Cobra, cobra gigante, maiores cobras do mundo, maior cobra já encontrada, cobra mais perigosa do mundo, cobras, cobras gigantes, anaconda, sucuri verde, píton reticulada, e várias outras serpentes.

Além das cobras tem vídeos de outros répteis, como: dragão de komodo, lagartos, crocodilo, crocodilo do nilo, crocodilo de água salgada, camaleão, iguana, etc.

Você vai ver também animais da floresta amazônica e do rio amazonas, como: Onça pintada, capivara, anaconda, harpia, tatu, puma, tucano, arara, bicho preguiça, jacaré, cobra cascavel, pirarucu, piranha, peixe elétrico, etc..

Sobre animais selvagem da África ou África selvagem temos vários vídeos sobre, leão, hiena, leopardo, guepardo, chacal, mabeco, mamba negra, crocodilo, hipopótamo, rinoceronte, mangusto, ratel, girafa, javali africano, búfalo africano, etc..

Além do mais você pode ver também som dos animais, e animais da fazenda e animais domésticos, como: vaca, cavalo, burro, égua, cachorro, gato, coelho, cabra, ovelha, pavão, peru, etc…
Espero que goste !!!!

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Pet Foxes Get Into Everything & Destroy! – How to Fox Proof Your House

Pet foxes tear apart furniture, dig holes and are destructive! Before you get a pet fox, watch Part 2 of 7 – How to Fox Proof Your House in our Ultimate Guide on How to Raise Pet Foxes and Keep Your Sanity! Part 1 of 7 – How to Get a Pet Fox Meet #PetFoxes Gaia and Inali! What’s it really like to have a tame pet fox? See the Secret Life of domesticated foxes. SUBSCRIBE Be sure to turn on all notifications to see when we post new videos.

#TameFox Resources:
Belyaev’s Russian experiment – How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog):

Fox Laws:
(These websites are for general information and may change. Check with the authorities where you live for more information.)

#FurBan #FoxFur belongs to #Foxes – – #SaveFoxes #FurFree
It is unbelievably heartbreaking to hear of and see inhumane treatment and slaughter of innocent and beautiful animals! It angers me to see fur used as fashion! Fox fur belongs on foxes! People would be appalled, as they should if their cats and dogs were used as clothing! Our cause is to help people see foxes as amazing beings living in their own natural wild habitat or as pets from certified and responsible people who raise domesticated foxes. Banning fur as clothing is a feasible and reachable goal – Help spread the word – Share this video

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