Tag Archives: First impressions

Much fox so wow | #Awesomenauts | Character First Impressions

The need for speed too strong for you to handle? Do you go hunting for small alien creatures and then beat them to a bloody pulp? Then look no further, ’cause Foxy is here!

Don’t let her adorable looks fool you: she’s one of the meanest Awesomenauts to date. boasting an incredible and skill oriented gank gameplan, the last thing you want to do is underestimate her.

On the first sign of weakness, she pounces on you, sending you flying backwards. That’s not all though: after a couple of hits from her gigantic roboclaw, she suddenly lets loose a wave of power strong enough to knock your proverbial socks off. You feel weaker, you are cornered, and there’s no escape: Foxy’s got you in her paws. And you’re finished!

But DAMN she’s cute. Seriously. Look at them eyes. Tell me that aint the prettiest pair of eyes you’ve seen, I dare you. D’aw.

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Is it an umbrella? Is it a phone booth? Nope: it’s Sentry | Awesomenauts | First Impressions

Do you hate life? Not even want to talk about it? Is everyone around you confusing you for something else? Do you just HAVE to answer that call RIGHT NOW? Then Sentry might be the character for you!

Sentry is a powerful zoning character with a lot of tanking capability. His counter-initiation ability is without peer, since his Black Hole not only helps him survive, but set up powerful teamfight abilities. His mobility is extremely high thanks to his unique ability to teleport to his beacon from anywhere on the map. I fully expect to see a lot of Sentry in the weeks to come.

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