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Super Smash Brothers: Brawl – Boss Rush Intense (Fox)

Super Smash Brothers: Brawl on the Wii.

Higher Quality:

All this was accomplished by patience and practice and a little help from the Smash Boards community!

My Tactics (Fox) – Tips that may help you, but are not guaranteed to help

1. Galleom

Use Fox’s laser immediately, so he can counter with his missiles (results may vary). Quickly get close enough and start spamming Forward + A (c-stick). Get ready to dodge his attacks or get as far as you can and start shooting when he’s jumping. Avoid the edges of the screen!

2. Duon

Start shooting right away. When he gets ready to tackle you, jump and use down A. If you have great timing you’ll be able to damage him without getting yourself damaged. You don’t want approach the blue side too close or else you’ll be taking quite some damage. You can approach him closely when he switches to his pink side. When the pink side starts shooting lasers, use your reflector close enough to make it reflect. If he starts to shoot missiles, get behind or in front depending on where your position is and lead the missiles into him.

3. Meta Ridley

Just attack him and shoot when he’s appearing on your screen. When he’s out of the screen, jump and use your reflector just in case he hits the Blue Falcon (careful, it’s a guaranteed KO). After about 2 or 3 attacks, he’ll start shooting his fireballs. Get as close as you can to his mouth and reflect in midair. This will easily kill him. If it didn’t, then continue on. If Ridley manages to grab onto the Blue Falcon, then attack him a few times with Forward + A (c-stick) and he’ll be off. ALMOST NO DAMAGE SHOULD BE TAKEN.

4. Porky

He’s not as predictable, so he can be tough at times. A strategy I found with this was: Running towards him and using dash A. Side dodge to the opposite side and start using your Forward + A smash (c-stick). You can only use the tactic IF he starts using his “arm combo attack”, otherwise it isn’t safe. When he launches his bombs, get on Porky and use Air Down + A. Sometimes he might be using his annoying laser, dodge it in midair. Keep using Forward + A or Forward + A Air. Try not to take too much damage.

5. Master Hand

Identify his movements and you’ll be fine. Use Up + A, and dodge his attacks as much as possible. When he’s close to using his Hand Spin attack, use Fox Illusion to dodge (thanks DKN117!). ALMOST NO DAMAGE SHOULD BE TAKEN.

6. Ridley

This guy gets quite annoying but he’s easy. Use Air Forward + A. When he starts blowing gusts at you, use Forward + A (c-stick). If you’re too far and you’re unable to approach him, then use your laser.

7. Petey

If you’re more of a defensive player, just shoot! Use Fox Illusion when he’s just about to land on your side of the stage.

If you want to be quick, then use my strategy by using Air Forward + A on each side of the cage. Get back to your side after executing the attack and be prepared to use Fox Illusion when he’s just about to land on your side. ALMOST NO DAMAGE SHOULD BE TAKEN.

8. Rayquaza

Easy guy if you know his tactics. Dodge his attacks when you see it, if he exits out of the screen use your reflector to dodge his incoming air attacks. If he attacks you from the ground, be sure to dodge quickly when you see the dirt coming up. Remember, he appears on the opposite side from where he previously was. Reflect when necessary, and just use Air Forward + A or Forward + A (c-stick).

9. Crazy Hand

He’s a little trickier than Master Hand. Again, use Air Up + A. Dodge when necessary. Same with master hand, when he’s close to using his Hand Spin attack, use Fox Illusion to dodge (thanks DKN117!). ALMOST NO DAMAGE SHOULD BE TAKEN.

-Short Pause-

Take a break or something! From the time I attempted this, I took 3 deep breaths. But really, do something that’ll calm yourself down. Don’t panic, lol.

10. Tabuu

The ultimate showdown. Immediately attack Tabuu. His tactics are completely random. I suggest practicing on Intense mode in the Subspace Emissary until you learn all or most of his tactics. You’ll need perfect timing or else you’re dead in one hit. When Tabuu teleports around, do NOT attack until he’s still. Do yourself a favor and don’t spend too much time on Tabuu or else you might encounter his waves again.

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El canto budista se clasifica en tres géneros: Yeombul (invocación), Hwacheong y Beompae. El Yeombul, tipo sutra, se conoce como anchaebi-sori, que quiere decir literalmente “canto de recinto” y el Beompae, bakkachaebi-sori, que significa “canto de exterior”. El sutra está basado en un estilo silábico y esta generalmente acompañado por un gong de madera. Los sutras son entonados en los servicios religiosos diarios, pero no por músicos especializados sino por monjes que viven en el templo en donde el ritual se lleva cabo, de ahí el término canto de recinto o interior. Beompae es melismático y es cantado en ritos especiales solamente por músicos budistas entrenados. Hwacheong es el canto que usa la lengua vernácula coreana con el fin de propagar efectivamente las enseñanzas de Buda.

El canto budista ha tenido una considerable influencia en otros géneros de música. Por ejemplo, la técnica vocal de Gagok se asemeja a beompae en algunos aspectos. Yeongsanhoesang fue originalmente una música vocal budista que se convirtió en una gran suite instrumental, la cual es interpretada en varias versiones diferentes.

Cantos interpretados en la Gira por la Paz Mundial de los lamas procedentes del Tibet durante su visita a España

The Buddhist chant is classified into three genres: Yeombul ( invocation ) , and Beompae Hwacheong . The Yeombul , sutra type , known as anchaebi – sori , which literally means ” singing grounds ” and Beompae , bakkachaebi – sori , meaning ” outer edge ” . The sutra is based on a syllabic style and is usually accompanied by a wooden gong . The sutras are chanted daily in religious services , but not for specialized musicians but by monks living in the temple where the ritual takes place , hence the term enclosure or inside edge . Beompae is melismatic and is sung in special rites only by Buddhist musicians trained . Hwacheong is singing using Korean vernacular in order to effectively spread the teachings of Buddha.

The Buddhist chant has had considerable influence on other genres of music. For example, vocal technique beompae Gagok resembles in some respects. Yeongsanhoesang was originally a Buddhist vocal music became a great instrumental suite , which is interpreted in several different versions .

Songs played in the World Peace Tour of lamas from Tibet during his visit to Spain

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