Tag Archives: anunnaki ancient mystery

Indra and Zeus | ANUNNAKI SECRETS REVEALED 29 | The Wars of Gods and Men' by Zecharia Sitchin

Based on the book ‘The Wars of Gods and Men’ by Zecharia Sitchin,
Inspired by the chapter titled ‘The Missiles of Zeus and Indra’.

Explore the narratives of Greek and Hindu mythologies. Delve into the tumultuous battles of primordial gods, drawing connections between these ancient stories and their cultural significance. We uncover the links between Greek mythology and Egyptian beliefs, as evidenced by Herodotus’s observations, and highlight the striking similarities found in the Vedic texts of India. Journey through the celestial conflicts, from the origins of deities in Hesiod’s Theogony to the epic battles in Hindu scriptures. Discover how these mythologies interweave, offering insights into the ancient world’s understanding of divine conflicts and their impact on human history.

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Ancient Astronauts | The People of the Shem | ANUNNAKI SECRETS REVEALED 3 | The Twelfth Planet

Based on the book ‘The Twelfth Planet’ by Zecharia Sitchin,
Inspired by the chapter titled ‘The People of the Fiery Rocket’.

In today’s video, we delve into the intriguing studies and arguments of Zecharia Sitchin, who posited that the Anunnaki, translated as ‘those from heaven to earth came’, were extraterrestrial beings from Planet Nibiru. Drawing from ancient texts from Sumer and Akkad, the video presents evidence suggesting that ancient civilizations believed in celestial beings, often depicted as gods, who had the capability to traverse both the earth and the skies. These deities, such as Inanna/Ishtar, were often portrayed with wings, not as biological extensions but as ornamental additions, symbolizing their ability to fly. Inanna’s various journeys, including her descent to the Lower World, were often accompanied by specific items, which when analyzed, resemble modern-day astronaut equipment. This is further supported by statues and artifacts that depict these deities with intricate helmets, earphones, and other devices, hinting at advanced technology.

The Old Testament also provides accounts of ‘angels’ or ’emissaries’ who were distinguishable by their unique attire or armaments, suggesting they were divine aviators. These beings were often associated with celestial chariots or vessels, indicating advanced modes of transportation. The term ‘mu’ or its variations in ancient Mesopotamian texts often referred to these celestial journeys or the vessels themselves. The video also touches upon the Tower of Babel story from Genesis, suggesting that the term ‘shem’, traditionally interpreted as ‘name’, might actually refer to a ‘skyborne vehicle’. This interpretation provides a fresh perspective on why the construction of such a tower might have displeased God, as humans were attempting to build a vehicle akin to those used by deities like Ishtar.

In essence, the video underscores humanity’s age-old fascination with the heavens, suggesting that our ancestors might have had encounters with celestial beings possessing advanced technology, which they interpreted as divine interventions.

🎬 Watch Full Anunnaki Movie on this playlist –

👽 Watch Anunnaki Documentaries here –

🤔 Are you new to the subject? Navigate trought this list to understand the basics about the Anunnaki –

✍️ Study the real mesopotamian tablets and take your own conclusions –

✍️ Study all the tablets of The Lost Book of Enki on this playlist –
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🧑 If you want to see who the content creator is and why I use an electronic voice, watch this video:

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